Thank you for responding to my query
Jazakallhu khair
عرض للطباعة
أخى الحبيب... من أين جئت بمعلومية ضعف هذا الجزء من الحديث؟
فقد بحثت فى كل مكان ولم أجد شيئاً عن ذلك...
وإذا كنا نحن بنو آدم لا نستطيع القول بأن فلاناً فى الجنة وفلان فى النار: فبالتأكيد هذا لا يسرى على النبى ( ص )
لأنه ( ص ) لا ينطق عن الهوى... وقد ورد فى الأثر كثيراً أنه قال عن فلان أنه فى النار، وفلان أنه فى الجنة
فليس هذا سبباً للتضعيف على ما أحسب
أرجو التوثيق إن كان لدى حضرتك وقتاً
وتقبّل أرقّ تحياتى ومحبتى الخالصة فى الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
al Salam Alaikum,
I'm really sorry for taking so long, I was doing some hard works in my garden that day & I got a sun hit
that's why I couldn't respond to anything last few days
hope you understand my excuse
And I still didn't fully recover yet... so please everybody, pray for me :):
Salafi, Ahl El-hadeeth & Ahl El-sunnah are three different titles for the same group of Muslims... whichاقتباس:
There are sects other than Ahlus sunnah, they too claim to follow Quran & suunah e.g salafi, ahlul hadith & zahiri . How would I know who is wrong & who is right? Every one bring proofs to his statements from Hadith? How would I recognize them?
we follow inshaa Allah
And the meaning of each title is explained in brother "Nur"'s answer
For the rest of your questions, I believe brother "Nur" answered them well enough
So, please let us know if there's anymore
Please do not stop asking about everything you'd like to knowاقتباس:
Thank you. I don't have enough knowledge so I have to ask number of question. Maybe some times I'm asking foolish questions but their answers help.
And i'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable
I didn't mean it
اخي الحبيب مارو - احبك الذي احببتني فيه.اقتباس:
أخى الحبيب... من أين جئت بمعلومية ضعف هذا الجزء من الحديث؟
فقد بحثت فى كل مكان ولم أجد شيئاً عن ذلك...
وإذا كنا نحن بنو آدم لا نستطيع القول بأن فلاناً فى الجنة وفلان فى النار: فبالتأكيد هذا لا يسرى على النبى
لأنه لا ينطق عن الهوى... وقد ورد فى الأثر كثيراً أنه قال عن فلان أنه فى النار، وفلان أنه فى الجنة
فليس هذا سبباً للتضعيف على ما أحسب
أرجو التوثيق إن كان لدى حضرتك وقتاً
وتقبّل أرقّ تحياتى ومحبتى الخالصة فى الله
الجزء الاخير من الحديث جاء في عدة روايات مختلفة وفي تصحيحها خلاف كما بينت بين القوسين.
تفضل هنا:
Its okay.
Don't be sorry.
Ya Allah cure all the sick Muslims with ease. Ameen!
Are Salafi & Ahul hadith & Ahlus sunnah names of same sect?
How it could be?
There are lots of differences among these three.
How do you know these three are same?
Everyone accused one another of bidhah?
They contradict .
Why do you say all these are same? Please elaborate.
Thank you
Wa'alaikum assalam
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
You may read again the meaning of every name of these, quoted from brother "Nur"'s answer
1-The term: Ahlu Alsunnah Wa Aljamaa tranlates: people of Sunnah and majority
2- Salafi = person who sticks to the understanding of Salaf (companions and their followers) of the Quran and Sunnah (hadeeths and actions of the prophet)
3-Ahlul Hadeeth - are people that stick to Hadeeth (besides Quran ofcourse)
Please remember the fact that many conspirators pretend to be (Salafi) & attack what the term of (Ahl El-hadeeth)... or claim that they're (Ahl el-hadeeth) & attack (Ahl el-sunnah)... just to make Muslims confused, devided & weak
sometimes they even invent new terms, such as (Wahabi) ! ... you may be surprised to know that there's nothing on earth called (Wahabi) !
it was a British terminology during the invasion, made for the same purpose: making Muslims devided & weak
the conspirators who help spreading these false information: might be extremist from other stray sects, such as Shia & Sufi... or
maybe not muslims at all !
that's for example, & maybe you've experienced something like that already
If you'd like to make sure of that: you may tell us what are the -so called- differences between (Salafi) , (Ahl El-Sunnah) & (Ahl El-Hadeeth), & we'll prove them wrong inshaa Allah
One last note here: to keep far from confusion... do not think so much of terminologies, just focus on worshiping Allah alone by following the way of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) his true Sunnah & his companions