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الموضوع: Pillars of Atheism

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    المذهب أو العقيدة

    افتراضي Pillars of Atheism

    Atheism is a negative, fairy-tale, emotional, irrational reaction on the belief in the creator, but it still has pillars like the religion.

    The first pillar:
    Atheist disbelieves in God but he testify: that there is no God but matter, and matter doesn't finish or perish and it didn't come from nothing, the material world is God of atheist willingly or unwillingly. atheist is on the belief of pantheism, the creator and creation are one thing: matter. he puts the attributes of the creator on the matter, it has no beginning no end, a wise and all-knowing matter!

    The second pillar:
    The atheist doesn't believe in angels but he believes in green, ugly, big bellies, big heads, very intelligent aliens. Dawkns claimed that they put DNA in his cells.anyways, it is an atheistic belief no proof for it except in anime and fiction.

    Third pillar:
    The atheist disbelieves in holy scriptures and claim that it is a human invention, but he still believes in books of his material religion, and the best one to his religion is "The Origin of Species" of the "prophet Darwin", atheists believe in it so much even though science disproved it, but atheism is a blind faith.

    The forth pillar:
    The atheist disbelieves in prophets and messengers, but he believes in preachers of atheism, and ascribes to them the attributes of infallibility, dignity and magnification. there is no day went without mentioning Dawkns, Hitchens and Harris.

    The fifth Pillar:
    The atheists disbelieve in hereafter, but he believes in other worlds which he doesnt see and have no proof, he believes in it just because the mastermind preachers of atheism supposed it when the proof of today science squeeze them to a narrow corner, and get countless proofs of intelligent design in the universe, then they escaped to myth of "Parallel Universes" .

    The sixth pillar:
    The atheist disbelieve in Divine Predestination, but he believes in obeying of the power of matter upon him, he is just a programmed Darwinist machine, that's why he denies his freedom, and in the best conditions he describes it as a delusion in him brain as a result of Darwinst evolution.

    Do you understand now your belief mindless atheist? have you fulfilled your belief pillars, or you are just a half atheist? if you believe in these pillars then you are a good atheist and your heart is harder than a stone.
    Thanks to Allah who honored us with Islam and saved us from this ignorance and myth.

    محاولة ترجمة ما كتبه اخونا هشاب ابن الزبير

  2. #2


    جزاكم الله خيرا
    تمت الاضافة هنا بعد إذنكم
    اللهم ارفع علم الجهاد، واقمع أهل الشرك والزيغ والشر والفساد والعناد و الإلحاد؛ وانشر رحمتك على العباد.
    قال سيدُنا علي (رضي الله عنه): الناسُ ثلاثة عالمٌ رباني ومتعلمٌ على سبيل نجاة وهمجٌ رَعاعٌ اتباعُ كُلِ ناعقٍ يميلون مع كُل ريح.

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