How similar are humans and chimpanzees when we look not at the level
of genes but at the level of gross morphology? Consider the following
(1) The feet of chimpanzees are prehensile, in other words, their feet can
grab anything their hands can. Not so for humans.
(2) Humans have a chin, apes do not.
(3) Human females experience menopause; no other primates do (the only
known mammal besides humans to experience menopause is the pilot
(4) Humans have a fatty inner layer of skin as do aquatic mammals like
whales and hippopotamuses; apes do not.
(5) Humans are the only primate whose breasts are apparent when not
(6) Apes have a bone in their penis called a baculum (10 millimeters in
chimpanzees); humans do not.
(7) Humans have a protruding nose.
(8) Humans sweat; apes do not.
(9) Humans can consciously hold their breath; apes cannot.
(10) Humans are the only primate to weep.
These are just a few of the more obvious physical differences between
humans and chimpanzees. But the key difference, of course, resides in the
intellectual, linguistic, and moral capacities of humans.