المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : العنف في الاسلام او المسيحية بالانجليزي

03-22-2008, 08:36 AM
Christianity : Violent or Peaceful?

In the case of Christianity what should this tell us

Who committed crimes against civilian and wage wars and use discrimination and genocide against the humanity?

Some examples:

1- Inquisition against Muslims and Jews The Inquisition begins as Pope Gregory IX assigns Dominicans responsibility for combating heresy. Torture used (1252). Ferdinand and Isabella establish Spanish Inquisition (1478). Tourquemada, Grand Inquisitor, forces conversion or expulsion of Spanish Jews (1492). Forced conversion of Moors (1499). Inquisition in Portugal (1531). First Protestants burned at the stake in Spain (1543). Spanish Inquisition abolished (1834).

2- Crusade against Muslims Jews and Christian orthodox In 1095 at Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II calls for war to rescue Holy Land from Muslim infidels. The First Crusade (1096) is assembled in response to Emperor Alexius I. The Christians capture Antioch (1098) and Jerusalem (1099). They establish the Crusader States, ruled by Europeans. It is the only successful crusade. The Second Crusade begins after the Seljuk Turks recapture Edessa, one of the Crusader States, in 1144. It is led by King Louis VIII of France and Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III. Crusaders perish in Asia Minor (1147).

3- The Albigensian Crusade (so named, because the French city of Albi was a Cathar stronghold), lasted for 20 years, from 1209 to 1229. While authorized by the pope, the actual fighting was carried out primarily by secular forces, especially under Simon de Montfort. The suppression of the Cathar heresy established new "standards" for ferocity for the Roman Church in dealing with its own flock. Perhaps the most famous example was on July 22, 1209, when the city of Beziers was sacked, with over 20,000 men, women and children killed by crusaders. The event will forever be framed in history by the words of papal legate Arnaud, whom, when asked if Catholics should be spared during the assault, answered "Kill them all, for God knows His own".

4 - 1202 Pope Innocent III launches fourth Crusade to defeat Egypt. After some setbacks, Crusaders defy the pope and sack Constantinople, center of the Orthodox church. A three-day massacre by the Crusaders alienates the eastern and western churches for centuries.

5- WWI waged by Christian and the dead by million

6 - WWII waged by Christians and the dead by million

7- America attacked japan and used two atomic


against Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Death toll of Japanese civillian

Hiroshima 118,661

Nagasaki 73,884

Hiroshima Injuries 79,130

Nagasaki Injuries 74,909

8- America used chemical weapon against Korea and Vietnam during war as (agent orange). And the victims was thousands of civilian.

9- Discrimination based on color and race .

10- Black cannot ride bus with whites May 4, 1961 -- Thirteen "Freedom Riders" begin bus trip through the South to test compliance with laws banning segregation in interstate transportation. Black and White riders were bombed and savagely beaten, but their movement

ended segregation interstate transportation facilities.

11- white Christian used apartheid against South African people

12- Racial Nazi Hitler and fascist Mussolini

13 - White supremacy and racial groups like KKK and its racial crime

14- Tulsa massacre against African American

15- Genocide against native American

16- Slave trade

This is only some example of crimes committed

against humanity committed by Christians.

Medical aspect of atomic bomb disaster in Nagasaki (INDEX)

- http://www-sdc.med.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/...medical-E.html

discrimination against black and native american





The Great Black Church-burning Hoax


U.S. 'ethnic cleansing'

The 1921 Tulsa massacre


Devastating legacy of Agent Orange still haunts Vietnamese families


Condemning Islam while ignoring your own religion's history seems pretty .......?!!!

Religious Persecution in Europe:

Focus on Muslims


USA wages and involves in Wars on average of every 5 years and less Since 300 Years of Independence

about 50 external war and equal number of internal war


03-22-2008, 08:58 AM
اميركا تشن حرب كل 6 سنوات
مع قائمة بالحروب التي قامت بها عبر تاريخها الاسود


03-22-2008, 09:01 AM
الارهاب موجة عالمية

الم يتقاتل الكاثوليك مع البروتستانت في ايرالندا
الم يقتل الكاثلويك في باريس 5 آلاف بروتستانتي ملحمة سان بارتلمى
الم يقتل الكاثوليك الارثوذكس ايام الحروب الصليبية .
نذكرك بعملية الانتحار الجماعي التي اقدم عليها اتباع كنيسة شعب المعبد بقيادة القس جيم جونز انتحر 914 مسيحي امريكي عام 1978 وكذلك عملية حركة بعث الوصايا العشر انتحر 1000 مسيحي وماذا عن تفجير اوكلاهوما الذي نفذه تيموثي ماكفي وماذا عن اقدام جماعة الداوديين اتباع ديفيد كورش على بحرق انفسهم وقتل من بينهم 16 من الاطفال الرضع عام 1993

اغتيالات عالمية
ان الاغتيالات ليست محصورة في محيط جغرافي محدود بل طالت حتى الانبياء كالنبي يحي و وفي اعتقاد النصارى صلب المسيح و في العصور القديمة حصلت في فارس عدة اغتيالات فشيرويه يقتل اباه الكسرى ابرويز ثم شهربراز يقتل اردشير ثم تم قتل اردشير وتطول القائمة.. وفي روما يتم اغتيال يوليس قيصر وفي العصر الحديث في روسيا تم اغتيال 5 قياصرة واخرهم بسبب الثورة البلشفية كذلك اغتيال ملك السويد اريك كذلك تعرض ملك بروسيا الملك فيلهم لعدة محاولات اغتيال وفي امريكا تم اغتيال الرئيس الاميركي ابراهام لينكولن اغتيال جون كنيدي و محاولة اغتيال ريغان ثم الثورة الفرنسية التي اعدمت الملكة ماري انطوانيت والملك لويس 16 .

بعض المنظمات الارهابية العالمية
eta spain
bader meinhof Germany
japan red army
italy brigades aum
Babbar Khalsa india
kach israel
army of god USA
Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)
Chukaku-Ha (Nucleus or Middle Core Faction)
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Kach and Kahane Chai
Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR
National Liberation Army (ELN)--Bolivia

10-25-2008, 02:12 PM
ساعيد وضع الرابط السابق الذي لا يعمل

اميركا تشن حرب كل 6 سنوات
مع قائمة بالحروب التي قامت بها عبر تاريخها الاسود


11-19-2008, 11:56 PM
يتهمون المسلمين بالارهاب وهم قتلوا في الحرب العالمية الثانية 60 مليون انسان/ انجليزي


12-22-2009, 04:27 AM
المرأة الغرب و دعوى ان المسلمون المرأة يعاملون المرأة معاملة سيئة
