المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ملف الترجمات

01-21-2009, 09:23 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
كنت قد طرحت الامر من قبل, و قد طرح من قبلي ايضا, و لكني لم اجد تجاوبا.. مع انه مهم جدا, و هو ترجمة المقالات القيمة خاصة التي تطرح ادلة علمية و فلسفية على وجود الله.
ها انا افتح موضوعا جديدا لتلقي مساهماتكم هاهنا.. ارجو من كل من يتقن اي لغة اخرى ان يساهم و لو بفقرة صغيرة مترجمة..
و ابدا بطرح ترجمة فرنسية (مترجمة من قبل احد الاخوة من المسلمين الجدد) لنفس ما كتبته بالانجليزية سابقا في دحض الداروينية.
سلامي :emrose:

01-21-2009, 09:29 PM
[1Les recherches paleontologiques donnent l'unique resultat
les êtres primitifs ont existé avant les êtres superieurs, mais cela ne signifie obligatoirement pas que les êtres superieurs soient derivés des ceux-la.
Par exemple, si les rechercheurs venaient un million d'années aprés notre époque et trouvaient des debris d'un chariot dans les premieres couches sedimentaires, des debris d'une auto dans les secondes, ceux d'un fusil spatial dans les troisiemes et ceux d'un vaisseau spatial dans les quatriemes... alors cet ordre chronologique pourrait-il servir de preuve que le chariot ait pu evoluer par les forces naturelles jusqu'a une navette spatial?

Professeur Keith dit: on n'est pas en mesure de repartir l'humain a une des ces espèces. Professeur Branco dit: la Paleonthologie ne trouve pas d'ancetres humains. Pr. Verchot a prouvé que l'os du crane qui etait attribué au soi-disant Java-man n'est qu'une partie du crane d'un chimpanze, tandis que le femur appartient a un homme. Le Beltdon man etait un ensemble des fragments de crane humain et de pièces de la machoire d'un chimpanze, comme l'indique le rapport de Pr. Hrdlika.

Pr. Arthur Keith a dit qu'en rassemblant ces fragments on aurait une creature incapable de manger ou respirer. Pr. Virchot dit que "l'idee de l'homme-singe est un myth pure". Pr. Soryal a dit que les liens intermediaires manquent pour toutes les couches d'organismes et non seulement de l'homme et son ancetre, mais de même entre les organismes unicellulaires et multicellulaires, aussi bien qu'entre les les inverterbres et les verterbres, les poissons et les amphibies, ceux-ci et les reptiles, ceux-ci et les oiseaux (nommes selon l'ordre de l'apparition dans les époques géologiques).

2. Pr. Jamal el din al Fandi a dit que l'age de la Terre ne surpasse plus de 3 billions d'années, tandis que les savants ont estimé que plus de 7 billions d'années étaient necessaires pour le developpement des creatures, alors cela signifie que l'age de la Terre devrait être 10 billions d'années a peu prés ce qui fait le double de l'age du Soleil. mais comment cela est-il possible si la Terre resulte elle-même du Soleil?

3. Le darwinisme est basé sur la soit-disante "selection naturelle" qui affirme que les facteurs d'annihilation exterminent les organismes faibles et maintiennent les forts, ce qu'on appelle la loi de la survie du "mieux adapte", alors les creatures fortes et en bonne santé restent et transmettent leurs qualités a leur rejetons.

Ces qualités rassemblées au cours d'une periode de temps assurent l'apparition d'une qualité nouvelle a cet organisme, c'est ce qu'on appelle "l'emergence".
Il est vrai qu'il existe un système et une loi a eliminer tous les êtres vivants, mais il en existe encore un système qui relie l'être et l'environnement, c'est à dire le soleil, la mer, la pluie, le vent, la gravite.. et d'autres facteurs qui travaillent dans l'ensemble pour le maintien de la vie de l'homme et des autres creatures.
En envisageant les facteurs destructifs et en laissant de côte ceux de la survie, contredit la raison. Si on a des lois de destruction, on aura celles de la survie et chacune a son role dans la vie.

Alors si les conditions naturelles: le vent, la foudre, la chaleur, les orages, l'eau etc sont capables d'endommager ou d'exterminer un etre - un oeil deformé ou un batiment rasé - ce n'est pas raisonnable de dire que ces phenomenes aveugles de la nature ont crée l'oeil ou ont restauré l'immeuble.

La raison accepte que les conditions naturelles peuvent causer la perte et la destruction, mais c'est inimaginable que ces circonstances soient satisfaisantes pour expliquer la merveilleurse creation, systematique et diligente.

01-21-2009, 10:28 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته،

هذا الموقع مفيد، فيما يتعلق بنقد الداروينية :


01-22-2009, 03:49 AM
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته و بارك الله فيك على الرابط.
الترجمة التالية هي ملخص لما جاء في هذا الرابط
http://www.eltwhed.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1129 و طبعا يحتاج الى الكثير من الاضافات و التعديل, و لكن عل الله ينفع به.

01-22-2009, 03:52 AM
The second law of Thermodynamics: The law of Entropy:
Einshtein called It the first law of all sciences… the premier law of all sciences..

This law denotes, in short: that if any well structred system is left for itself, it will become unstable, and will lose its structure over time.
In other words, any physical system will be random if it is not controlled by foreign forces (outside of its scope) by time.

So the physical systems move from the stability form to the dispersed and scattered form, and the opposite is impossible..
For example, the atom which exploded to a nuclear bomb, and disintegrated into small parts and an enormous energy, can not in any way to come back and to gather its parts and the lost energy to rebuild itself again.
And so that can happen, we need an enormous exterior energy to press over it and rearrange its components.
This scientific law used by chemists, physicists and engineers to design the factories and the nuclear reactors, is an accurate law and no question about it, but atheists and communists argued a lot about this law, because if they recognize the validity of this law and denied meanwhile that the universe had a beginning, then they will fall in contradiction.
Because this law prove that the universe has a beginning:
If the universe was timeless, the energy would spread and dispersed since time immemorial, and the universe would reach the thermal balance, and the stars would extinguish and the substance and energy would scatter in a balanced manner throughout the universe, however the universe is not like this –The sun is hot, and the planets are cold-.
Also if atheists accept this law, then they will have to admit that there is an unknown force which arranged everything before its dispersion, and so they tried to find a way out of this impasse by saying that this law is not general, which is a contradiction to science.

Therefore this law is a slap on face for whoever claims that this universe came by chance, and that its not created by God, and no divine powers organizing and ruling and controlling this complexed global system!

إن هم إلا يظنون
01-22-2009, 01:03 PM
مندى التوحيد بالإنجليزية (http://www.eltwhed.com/vb/showthread.php?t=14367)

إن هم إلا يظنون
01-22-2009, 01:15 PM
قصة سمكتين !! (http://www.eltwhed.com/vb/showthread.php?t=10407)

A tale of two fishes

This is a story about believing in the unseen beyond our limited senses and how does a sane person infer the existence of The Creator Almight from the signs in the universe and messages of the prophets peace be upon them

scene one

Deep down .. under the waves of the sea .. and inside the coral reefs
A fascinating world teeming with life .. great diversity of God's creatures swimming everywhere

Among these corals are two fishes, different in everything but close friends since childhood. "Ghaidaa" is famous for her gorgeous looks and charm, and "Labeeba" while not as attractive as her friend she was wise and rationale

In one calm morning, the two fishes were wandering in the reef as usual .. suddenly they feel disturbance in the sea, which stopped shortly .. all seems quiet again except for the sounds of the waves caused by the disturbance moving away .. they look up to sea a big approaching boat..

Moments of heavy silence pass as the boat stops nearby the reef before they hear a muffled sound of a collision deep down .. there they see a heavy me_tal anchor lying on the seafloor with a rope that extends upwards till the end of sight .. not so far, was a delicious fish food that seems to be attached to a another string but this one was thinner and almost invisible

Ghaidaa looks with a watery mouth to the inviting sight and smell of this mysterious food .. she couldn't resist the temptation and rushed towards it .. Labeeba hurries afterwards and stops her

Are you insane ? What are you doing ?

What's wrong, don't you want to eat ? it looks so appealing

Don't get deceived by its looks, it's a trap for fools like you

What trap ? it's a free delicious food

Don't be so hasty, you don't know what will happen to you if you tried to eat that food, the string will cling to you and you won't be able to escape and then you will go to another horrible world where humans are waiting to grill and eat you

Ghaidaa gives her a mocking look and says : What a silly tale, I can't see any of what are you talking about, how do you know there is another world behind the waves, that's just a figment of your imagination

Labeeba says in pity : Poor you, you don't know about the other world ? it's totally different than ours, it has clouds, trees and mountains, and lives there other creatures that swim in air instead of water

Who filled your head with such nonesense

Want to see a proof ? come with me

Scene two

The two fishes went to a distant gloomy area in the depth of the sea .. several sunken boats and a ship rest on the ground .. rust and algae spread over them

Shiver runs down Ghaidaa's spine as she asks : Why did you bring us to this creepy place
Be patient sis, I want to show you something

Ghaidaa follows Labeeba as she enters inside one boat and swims through the cracks to stop before a set of rusty tools
Ghaidaa says : What are those ? I've never seen something similar before
Labeeba : These are tools made by the humans, look at this me_tal piece, they used it to cut their food .. and this is a grilling plate .. and see this, it's called a fork, they use it to eat the food which you will become because of your recklessness
Ghaidaa stares at the ruins and thinks for a while then says : While I haven't seen such things before, I still find it hard to believe your mythical tale .. besides, I can't know for sure that these are eating tools made by creatures from another world .. there must be a plausible explanation that we just don't know yet

Labeeba sighs in dispair and says : OK I'll show you another proof, let's go visit someone

Scene Three

In the urban side of the reef, the two fishes stand before one of the houses .. Ghaidaa looks at Labeeba and asks you didn't tell me whom are we going to visit
It's elder fish Hakeema, said Labeeba. She is one of the few who actually went to the other world and returned back

Hakeema opens the door and welcomes the two fishes in

Labeeba : I hope we didn't disturb you elder fish Hakeema, but we really need to hear your story when you went to the other world

My dearies, you've reminded me of painful memories, I could never forget what happened and still can't believe I returned safely
It was a long time ago when I was young like you .. I was swimming one day in the reef, picking up food from here and there .. untill I found a big piece of food hanging on the top .. I ran quickly to grab it and suddenly everything changed
There was no water, no reef, no fishes .. all I could see was sky, boat and weird machines .. then I realized I'm in the other world .. one of the humans picked me up quickly and removed the string that was holding me then put me in a basket with the rest of the fish
Every now then they would pick a fish from the basket and...
Hakeema pauses sadly for a moment before she continues, they would cut the fish, take its guts out and throw it in a pot from which vapor arises
I was terrified and knew that will be my fate if i didn't escape now .. I tried hard to squeeze through the crowd until I jumped out of the basket .. the human saw me and tried to capture me back but Thank God I slid through his hand and jumped back into the sea

This painful experience left deep scars inside me and I vowed to do my best to warn other fish from this cruel world

Scene Four

Back at the anchor and the bait, the two fishes stares in silence
So, what do you think now ? have you seen and heard enough ? Labeeba says
Well, not really
What ?? What else do you need to believe ? Don't be so stubborn
I am not stubborn, but tell me why should I believe you and that old fish
Because I showed you signs of this world and elder fish Hakeema is a trustworthy one that we all believe

As Ghaidaa still doesn't seem convinced, Labeeba asks : Have you ever seen a shark before ?
So you believe they exist even though you haven't seen them, because our elders told us about them
But I still can't be sure of this other world until I see it myself
This is pure insanity, you won't be able to come back if you went there .. yes you will believe but it will be too late by then
I will just take my chance

Ghaidaa swims quickly to the bait as Labeeba screamingly calls her and runs after her again but she was couldn't catch her this time .. as she is about to reach, Ghaidaa has already took the bait and Labeeba watches the string pulls her friend upwards until she vanishes