تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Will you not then believe

12-11-2010, 02:38 PM
In the name of Allah

In this note, I am going to talk about Neutron stars. Those stars have two properties that make them special. The first one is that they have a piercing light or radiation. The radiation they produce is a very strong radiation that can pierce through everything. In the United States and Europe, scientists observed the attracting waves issued by the Piercing stars. They said if the light can hit the physical barriers without penetrating them , the emitted huge attracting waves by the Piercing star can penetrate anything , even our bodies as these waves penetrate us every moment, but we don't feel them... Examples of this radiation are included in the picture bellow.


An other property of this stars is that they knowk. Scientists gothered sounds that come from them which are exactly like knocks.


The reason why we hear these knocks is the huge turning speed of these stars around its center. During the turning of the star, it gives regular knocks and emits radiations. This can pierce any thing. So, the turning of these stars causes knocking and piercing.

If you wanna listen to this knocks, simply click this link:


Now, why am I telling you all this boring stuff?... Well, check this verse from the Qur'an.

"By the heaven, and the knocker, and what will make you know what the knocker is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness;"[At-Târiq ( the knocker) verse 1-3]

God, in this verse, swears by those stars. Of course, people 1400 years ago didn't know how a star can knock, so they found it hard to explain the verse, but the verse was not for them; it was for us, the people of science, as God knew that science will come and that we will get to those stars.

Surprised my friends?... Well, you don't have to; it's the Qur'an after all.

Again, how did Muhammed peace be upon him know about this? ... Why did he use verses that his people wouldn't understand?...

حامي الحمى
12-11-2010, 03:44 PM
شكرا لك اخي

لكن تشارلي توفي
