المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : استفسار حول الكاتب Maxim Gorky

11-14-2005, 09:29 PM
السلام على من اتبع الهدى
أولا وضعت الموضوع هنا لكي يفيدني منه المسلمين وغيرهم ممن سمع بالموضوع
لقد قمت منذ فترة بتحميل سلسلة The Bloody History of Communism من موقع هارون يحيى
يذكر المؤرخ في الملف الفيديو أن ماكسيم قال:
In Tambov province Communists were nailed with railway spikes by their left hand and left foot to trees a metre above the soil, and they watched the torments of these deliberately oddly-crucified people. They would open a prisoner's belly, take out the small intestine and nailing it to a tree or telegraph pole they drove the man around the tree with blows, watching the intestine unwind through the wound. Stripping a captured officer naked, they tore strips of skin from his shoulders in the form of shoulder straps...
بما معناه:
قام الشيوعيين في تامبوف بتثبيت اليد اليسرى والرجل اليسرى للمعتقلين بالمسامير على خسبة علوها متر أو على مسامير سكة الحديد ثم تابعوا تعذيبهم بسرور بالغ فبقروا بطونهم واخرجوا أمعاءهم الدقيقة بعد أن كانوا يثبتون أطرافهم على الأشجار ويتابعون تفكيك هذه الأمعاء وسلخ جلود الموظفين المعتقلين مبتدئين بأكتافهم
وذلك نقلا من
Orlando Figes, A People's Tragedy, A History of the Russian Revolution, p. 775
المشكلة أني لا أملك هذا الكتاب لأرى من أين أتي (Orlando Figes) بكلام (Maxim)
الموضوع أني عندما أعطيت هذا الملف الى أحد الاشخاص(شيوعي) قال لي أن ماكسيم أصلا شيوعي!!!
فكيف سيتكلم بهذا الكلام
ولكني وبعدما بحثت في الانترنت وجدت أنه كان من الثوار ولكن لم يكن شيوعيا بل أنه اعترض على -بعض-أفعال لينين
ولم يوافقه تماما...
"Gorky started a newspaper, New Life, in 1917, and used it to attack the idea that the Bolsheviks were planning to overthrow the government of Alexander Kerensky. On 16th October, 1917, he called on Vladimir Lenin to deny these rumours and show he was "capable of leading the masses, and not a weapon in the hands of shameless adventurers of fanatics gone mad."
After the October Revolution the new government got Joseph Stalin to lead the attack on Gorky. In the newspaper Workers' Road, Stalin wrote: "A whole list of such great names was discarded by the Russian Revolution. Plekhanov, Kropotkin, Breshkovskaia, Zasulich and all those revolutionaries who are distinguished only because they are old. We fear that Gorky is drawn towards them, into the archives. Well, to each his own. The Revolution neither pities nor buries its dead."
Gorky retaliated by writing in the New Life in 7th November, 1917. "Lenin and Trotsky and their followers already have been poisoned by the rotten venom of power. The proof of this is their attitude toward freedom of speech and of person and toward all the ideals for which democracy was fighting." Three days later Gorky called Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky the "Napoleons of socialism" who were involved in a "cruel experiment with the Russian people."
In January, 1918, Gorky led the attack on Lenin's decision to close down the Constituent Assembly. Gorky wrote in the New Life that the Bolsheviks had betrayed the ideals of generations of reformers: "For a hundred years the best people of Russia lived with the hope of a Constituent Assembly. In this struggle for this idea thousands of the intelligentsia perished along with tens of thousands of workers and peasants."
The Bolshevik government controlled the distribution of newsprint and in July, 1918, it cut off supplies to New Life and Gorky was forced to close his newspaper. The government also took action making it impossible for Gorky to get his work published in Russia. "
ولكن هذا الكلام طبعا يحتاج الى توثيق
كل ما أريده هو توثيق كلام Orlando من أحد كتب Maxim أو من مجلته New Life
آسف على الإطالة ولكن الموضوع ذو أهمية لدي