المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نقلاً عن موقع "مناظرات Debates" : آراء الشعب الغربي في عدة قضايا

مسلم أسود
02-02-2014, 07:43 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

من العنوان يتضح المقال . هذه بعض آراء الشعب الغربي في عدد من القضايا المتنوعة أنقلها إليكم مع النسب . قبل أن أبدأ يجب أن أنوه إلى أننا لا نحتاج رأي الغربيين و لا غيرهم لنعلم الصحيح من السقيم و العدل من الظلم فكتاب الله و سنة المصطفى صلى الله عليه و سلم أعلى . إنما ننقل الأقوال لنعرفها و يشهد شاهد من أهلها . و الموقع لا يعتبر جهة رسمية ذات نشاط دولي أو ما شابه بل هو موقع يلتقي فيه اشخاص مسجلون و يناظرون في قضايا محددة لذا فقد تختلف النسب التي يدلي بها عن الشعب كأغلبية أو ككل .

1 - هل يفقد المجتمع قيمه الأخلاقية ؟

59% يجيبون بنعم و %41 يجيبون بلا

من أقوال الموافقين :

the only values held by society are pleasure and instant gratification
people no longer care about how their interactions with others effect the outside world. Today, everything is about instant gratification and pleasure. I can do whatever i want to anyone, but they dare not do it back to me.

deteriorating family values
i see a decline in traditional family values; marriage between a man and woman; sense of responsibility regarding making it on your own; belief in god; pride in your country and your workmanship.

an alarming increase in out-of-wedlock births, particularly in the black community.
A decline of respect for public school teachers and people in positions of authority is eroding our great nation


yes, television network programming
i can blame many networks but the one that i'd like to point out is mtv it's a prime example of where our values lie. People think its just entertainment but it does something to your mind when you watch it. It screws you up, makes shocking things less shocking. So normal life becomes boring ad people need to act out.

yes, america has become an utterly depraved place.
jersey shore, honey boo boo, tlc, chris dorner being praised as the new django, bombing foreign lands for oil and the media that cheers them on, the perversion of our history by liberals, the militarization of our society by conservatives, the vilification of muslims by the right, and the vilification of whites by the left. Need i say more?

unknowing youth
i would say that about a rough 75% of children who grow up in america and were born past the year 2008 will never know what true virtue is. Virtue has decayed over the past years due to mass media. Things are not made with quality like they used to be, and almost everything done is for money. People now are putting less heart into their work and more greed. The children who grow up around these lack of virtues will never know true virtues at all.

و من أقوال المخالفين :

society's values are simply evolving, not deteriorating.

old people, mostly, think that society's values are deteriorating, because they're used to how it used to be, back in the day. Each person's definition of values differs. Some people believe in slavery still, so, now that we frown upon that, it must be society's problem. Homosexuality is in the same situation. Slowly, people are changing their minds, because they fear what they don't understand. Once they understand something, it softens it and makes it easier to go along with.

i'd say that society's values are only changing, rather than deteriorating.

certain moral ideals have changed over time, but that does not necessarily mean that society is becoming more immoral. An obvious example of changing values would be the issue of sex before marriage. Abstinence until marriage used to be fairly popular, but it isn't practiced by many anymore. I just have trouble seeing how this makes society less "noble". It's simply a change that is indicative of open-mindedness and the freedom to make responsible decisions.

no. Values do not deteriate, they only change.

fifty years ago we valued our grandparents, honesty and character. Now we value celebrities, the right to have blue hair and to devolve into nothing as a person.
And sadly, people don't perceive that as being a bad thing. People don't value what they aren't aware of what we have lost or how frivolous the things we have 'gained'.


ما رأي الأعضاء ؟

مسلم أسود
02-02-2014, 08:24 PM
و الموقع لا يعتبر جهة رسمية ذات نشاط دولي أو ما شابه بل هو موقع يلتقي فيه اشخاص مسجلون و يناظرون في قضايا محددة
هذه غلطة مني فللزوار غير المسجلين أن يكتبوا مداخلات و يتم نشرها بعد موافقة المراقبين . أما الأعضاء فتظهر مداخلاتهم فورياً .