المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طفلة بريطانية تهتدي للإسلام من تلقاء نفسها!

حاتم ناصر الشرباتي
08-14-2006, 06:51 AM
طفلة بريطانية تهتدي للإسلام من تلقاء نفسها!

''كل مولود يولد على الفطرة فأبواه يهودانه أو ينصرانه أو يمجسانه''··

وجورجيا تلك الطفلة الإنجليزية فطرت على الإسلام اذ أنها نطقت بحروف عربية وذكرت اسم الله معلنة أنها مسلمة رغم أنها آنذاك لم تتعد الخمس سنوات، هذه هي قصة جورجيا مع الإسلام إنها قصة غريبة بكل المقاييس

لنفسح المجال لوالدتها سامانثا لتسرد لنا تفاصيل الحكاية:

تقول سامانثا والتي غيرت اسمها إلى سميرة بعد أن أعلنت هي شخصيا تحولها إلى دين الإسلام، إن ما حدث مع طفلتي شيء يشبه أساطير الأولين

لقد اشترت طفلتي قطعة شوكولاتة من أحد المحال التجارية وكان عليها كلمات عربية لم تتمكن من فهمها لكنها بدأت تسأل دائما عن هذه الحروف والشعوب التي تنتمي إلى هذا الخط فلم أكن املك شيئا سوى ردعها من خلال التوضيح لها بأن العرب إرهابيون ومسؤولون عن موت العديد من الأرواح البريئة غير أن هذه الروايات لم تجدِ نفعا مع الصغيرة التي امتلأ قلبها بنور الإيمان وبدأت تلح على الجميع أنها تريد اقتناء كتاب الله الذي قمت بشرائه كهدية في عيد ميلادها الخامس مع ملابس خاصة للصلاة تأتي (مجانية) لكل من يشتري هذا الكتاب المقدس لدى المسلمين كتشجيع للفتيات الصغيرات على الصلاة·

وماذا حدث؟
اشتعل في البيت حريق كبير أتى على كل ما فيه عدا المصحف الشريف وكان ذلك في مدينتنا ''كنت'' القريبة من لندن العاصمة ومن ذلك اليوم أعلنت حمايتي لطفلتي وكذلك والدي الذي طلب من الجميع أن يكفوا عن توبيخها ومضايقتها لان ما حدث معجزة حقيقية واكبر مثال على أن عهد المعجزات لم ينته بعد

والغريب أيضا أنها عمدت إلى ارتداء ملابس الصلاة التي كانت هدية مجانية لكل من تشتري قرآنا كريما وبدأت تضع السجادة على الأرض وتصلي

ومن علمها الصلاة؟
لا أحد لقد كانت تقوم بذات الحركات التي يقوم بها المسلمون أثناء صلواتهم دون أن تتكلم·

ما هو رد فعلك على ما يجري وهل أنت متأكدة أنها لم تتأثر بإحدى صديقاتها المسلمات

حيث أن لندن تعج بالمسلمين؟
بداية أؤكد لكم أننا نعيش في مدينة لا يقطنها مسلم واحد ولا يوجد قيها مساجد وابنتي تدرس في مدرسة تدعى ''هادلو'' وقمت بزيارة سابقة لها وتأكدت من خلو المدرسة من طلبة مسلمين

وماذا عن عيد الميلاد المجيد والشجرة وبابا نويل·· ألا تشدها هذه الأمور؟
نحن عائلة غير متدينة لم نعتد الذهاب إلى الكنيسة كما أن الاحتفال بعيد الميلاد المجيد عبارة عن مناسبات اجتماعية وليست دينية ذات إطار تقليدي قديم

وأنت ما الذي جعلك تتحولين إلى الإسلام؟
إن ما حدث مع ابنتي دفعني للبحث في الانترنت عن هذا الدين

وما هو وما هي شعائره وطقوسه ولماذا هذه الحرب الشعواء التي يقودها الغرب بزعامة أميركا ضده؟
لقد قرأت العديد من المعلومات الهامة والخطيرة والتي لمست قلبي كما ان ما حدث مع ابنتي جعلني أتخذ قرارا قد يكون الأهم في حياتي وهو اتباع دين الإسلام والدخول في هذا الدين الحنيف بأسلوب صحيح فذهبت بصحبة طفلتي إلى المسجد المركزي في لندن والتقيت الدكتور منصور مالك الذي أمدني بالكثير من الكتب والمعلومات المفيدة ولم يحاول أن يدفعني للقيام بأي شيء غير مؤمنة به بل بدأ معنا بشكل تدريجي

وهناك نطقت طفلتي بالشهادتين وتم تغيير اسمها من جورجيا إلى جميلة وتبعتها على نفس الخطى الثابتة ونطقت بدوري بالشهادتين وتم تغيير اسمي إلى سميرة

ما هو السبب وراء زيارتكم إلى الامارات؟
لقد رأيت مناسك الحج عبر التلفزيون فطلبت من الأخ منصور مساعدتنا في زيارة هذه الأراضي المقدسة لكنه أبلغني صعوبة الذهاب إلى السعودية فهي بحاجة إلى وجود محرم فرتب لنا زيارة إلى الإمارات حيث يقيم ابنه الذي أعد لنا برنامجا لزيارة مساجد المسلمين

هل راودتك أية مخاوف بعد تحولكما الى الإسلام وما هي ردود افعال الأصدقاء والمقربين على هذا الفعل؟
لا لم تراودني اية مخاوف ولم اتعرض الى اية مضايقات لكن البعض قابل هذا التحول بالاستغراب والتساؤل حيث ان احدى صديقاتي سألتني ''ما الذي جرى لكم هل جننتم؟!''·· أما زوجي فقد انفصل عني اثر تحولي الى الاسلام في حين ولدي جاكوب (13 عاما) وابنتي ميجان (10 أعوام ) لم يتضايقا مما حصل وقدما الدعم لي ولاختهما الصغيرة

كيف كانت حياتك قبل الاسلام وبعده؟
كانت حياتي عبثية صاخبة مليئة بالخطايا لكن حين لمس الاسلام قلبي تحولت حياتي الى هدوء وسكينة وطمأنينة

شريف المنشاوى
08-14-2006, 07:06 AM
جزاك الله خيرا اخ حاتم

محمد علام
08-14-2006, 12:54 PM
انت متأكد أن دى قصه حقيقيه

08-14-2006, 01:32 PM
أنا أشك وبشدة في هذه القصة .......

خصوصا أنها من نوع القصص التي تروج لها مواقع وشباب سعوديون ، حيث يروجون على الإنترنت لمثل هذه النوعية من القصص (الكاذبة) . على الرغم من أن هدفم سامي وهو إعلاء مكانة الإسلام ولكن ليس بهذه الطريقة يتم الترويج للإسلام.

وأقصد بنفس هذه النوعية أي أن شخصا أجنبيا سلم نفسه بكل بساطة للإسلام دونما دخول في التفاصيل والبحث المنطقي الموسع لدراسة الدين وما يدعوا اليه ومنهجه بشكل جامع يجعلك تدخل في دين أنت تفهمه ..

تذكرني هذه القصة بقصة (سخيفة) تقول أن شابا - سعوديا - يعيش في أميركا ، يكرة الإختلاط بالبنات - وفقا لدين الإسلام - وحين وجد إستغراب الفتيات من تصرفة وبدأن يسألنه عن لماذا يفعل هكذا ، فأشار إليهم بالحجاب وصيانة المرأة ... إلخ .. فجأة في اليوم التاي وجد جسما أسود×أسود .. غعندما تسائل الجميع وجدوا أنها أحد الفتيات اللاتي تحدث اليهن ذلك الشاب السعودي عن الإسلام.

طبعا هذه القصة تحوي على الكثير من الأخطاء المنطقية التي لا يقبلها العقل الساذج .... لا سيما أن المسلمات في أميركا يرتدين ما يسمى الخمار الذي يلتف حول الرأس ولونه عادي ولا يوجد مره واحدة أسود × أسود ولكل الجسم..

ما علينا .. المهم أن لا نروج لمثل هذه القصص ، لأن ليس فيها سوى تقليل من شأن الإسلام .

سيف الكلمة
08-14-2006, 02:36 PM
كل الأخبار يمكن التشكيك فيها
فقط نقول أن الأمر نستبعده
ولكن ليس كل ما ينكره المشككون غير حقيقى

العبرة ليست بما يقبله البعض وما لا يقبلونه
العبرة بما يقبله صاحب القضية نفسه

فى جروب انجليزى قرأت لامرأة أسلمت فى عمر 28 سنة بسبب مجموعة من الرؤى المنامية رأتها وهى طفلة بين الخامسة والسابعة
طلبت منها أن تتكلم عن بعض هذه الرؤى
فقالت أنها رأت مارية تحمل المسيح وكان يقول لها أنا الإبن لك أنت وحدك ولست ابنا لأحد غيرك
وقالت أنها كانت ترتدى صليبا فى رقبتها فنزع منها بغير يد وطار فى السماء مثل الألعاب النارية حتى اختفى وشعرت بسعادة كبيرة للتخلص منه
وقالت أنها رأت امرأة عجوز مغطاة ( تقصد محجبة ) قالت لها أن الله واحد وهو الذى يجب أن نعبده

أخبرت أمها فأخذتها للكنيسة وتعرضت لتوبيخ من القسيس ومن راهبة
كبرت وتزوجت فى المسيحية وفى مناقشة مع زوجها حول الشكوك التى تراودها ضربها زوجها فى بطنها فأسقط الجنين وانفصلا
لم يستطع أحد أن يجيب عن شكوكها فى الثالوث
ذهبت بأحزانها إلى مدينة أخرى فوجدت ترجمة للقرآن فى مكتبة وكانت تعانى من انهيار بسبب ما حدث لها
قرأت فى ترجمة القرآن فوجدت إجابات على كل أسئلتها
حين قالت ذلك كانت مسلمة من عامين أى كان عمرها 30 سنة وكان دخولى إلى ذلك المنتدى من عامين أى قد يكون عمرها الآن 32 سنة
واسمها الجديد كان ماجدة وكانت تشارك فى الإشراف على هذا الجروب
لم أحتفظ برسائلها لأننى فرغت الإيميل مرات عديدة ولكن هذا هو الجروب
وهذه موضوعات مازلت أحتفظ بها من هذا الجروب لبعض المسلمين الجدد :

My Journey to Islam
By Br. Jamal

I was six years old when my mother accepted her Christian faith. My father on the other hand didn’t dedicate himself to any specific church, but his beliefs were based on the trinity. For approximately five years my family would go to church every Sunday. By the time I reached eleven years old, the only two people in my family still attending the church were my mother and I. I went to church every Wednesday & Sunday, taking bible study classes and learning scriptures. I went to a church summer camp and went to the altar and accepted Jesus into my heart. I really didn’t have a concept on the whole trinity, but I had a lot of questions that couldn’t be answered. I would ask my teachers “ How could Jesus be the son of God, when he was a man like me?” But there was absolutely not one person in this church who could answer my question. The only answer given to me was, “I walk by faith and not by sight.” This was aggravating and not the type of answers that I was looking for. I beg my dad to let me stop attending Church, and the answer was, “Church is good for you.” This was funny, because if it was good for you, then why did he stop attending? I left the Church at 13 years of age although I still wanted to worship God, but where would I start?
When I turned fourteen I started getting into lots of trouble, doing anything from stealing, drugs, and drinking. At this point I started thinking why try and be good if I don’t even have a religion anymore. From this age until eighteen I got involved in gangs, selling drugs and even robbery. I moved out of my house and rented an apartment with two friends, this is when my life went downhill. I went to one of my friend’s houses that was a non-Muslim and saw on his bookshelf a Quran. This book looked powerful and was very intimidating to me, but I had the urge to pick it up and start reading. My friend asked what I was doing and I told him I never saw a Quran before, inside of my head I was thinking this is the religion of the Arabs. I asked him if I could borrow it to read, and he replied no but if you want to buy it that’s cool. I bought my first Quran for $2.00 and rushed home to read. I remember going to my room and locking the door. I remember the first thing I wanted to know was what did they say about Jesus. The verses that I read were so beautiful and I agreed with what they said in totality.
I had been reading the Quran off and on now for two years and it was time for me to see the mosque. I called one of my good friends and asked was I allowed to go to the mosque. He rushed to my house that day and took me with him, what a beautiful place this was. I walked in and asked him where do we sit, and he said follow me. We sat on the floor and waited for the prayer time to come. I was so curious, I couldn’t stop looking around. I asked him “ where are all the women”, he smiled and said behind us. I was thinking: how weird, why don’t the women and men sit together? At this point they were calling the adan (call to prayer). I didn’t understand what it meant, but it sounded so beautiful and sent chills through my body. This adan that I had no idea what it meant is what put in my heart a softness that I never felt before. I saw everyone praying as I sat on the side. This made me think that I could not be a Muslim. I don’t speak Arabic and couldn’t understand a word they were saying. My friend explained to me that I could learn Arabic and pray just as they did. After this experience, I left and was kind of confused. I was discouraged that I would have to learn Arabic in order to read the Qur’an in its authentic text.
I started going back to my old ways and began doing drugs and drinking. But there was something different now, every time I would do something bad I would think of God. I tried to get it out of my head but it wouldn’t work. Not too happy with everything I heard about Islam, I read on every one of the major religions, all of them seemed weird or contradicting. I read about Islam again and now it was different, I felt in my heart this is real. I found out that they only believed in one God, and they were very strong about this. Once again, I went to Dar Al-Hijra to a Sunday class they had. I remember not knowing where to go so I stood in the lobby and kept reading the same scripture engraved on the wall. The Imam came and asked if could he help me, I asked where the class was and he directed me there. I sat in the class and saw lots of non-Muslims asking questions. I just listened and left with my friend. My friend had actually been someone from my past whom I would hang out with frequently. He had accepted Islam two years ago. I went home and wanted to cry because I wanted this so bad, but I knew I had to stop drinking and doing drugs before I accepted the faith.
About two years went by and I was reading here and there, but nothing serious. One day my mother begged me to just go back to the church for one service. I agreed just to make my mother happy, but when I walked in the church it was as if everyone knew that I didn’t believe in the trinity anymore. I had a person who was in the church congregation whom I had known for some time ask me over and over to accept Jesus in to my heart. I refused, and then he asked me why? I wasn’t knowledgeable enough to back Islam up so I said I’m just not ready. The man replied “ son, you have to catch the fish, then you clean it, then you cook it, and after all that you eat it”. What he said was so true, but not for this church. This is what inspired me to want to accept Islam. I knew that in my heart I was a Muslim, but where do I go, and who will give this to me. I didn’t know what to do. So after a while, I once again went back to drugs. One night, I went out and I was so drugged up and drunk, when I came home and looked in the mirror. What I saw scared me. I couldn’t even recognize my own face. It was as if I was looking at one of those people on the streets who are strung out. I fell to the ground and cried, wondering what had happened to me. I felt sick and disgusted, how could I even walk into that mosque again? I thought I wasn’t good enough to be a Muslim. I prayed all night, begging God to help me to be a better person and to help me with this situation.
The next day, I was sitting in my living room, when I heard a knock on my door at 11:00pm. I looked through my peephole and saw my friend who was already Muslim. This person was someone very beloved to me, and I fully trusted him. He came into my house and began to speak to me about Islam, at this moment I was crying inside wanted to just say yes. We talked about four hours and after that my best friend and I accepted Islam. This was the best decision I would ever make…

http://by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=MSG1097156605.2&start=43189&len=18762&msgread=1&imgsafe=y&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3

موضوع آخر

How I became Muslim By Umm Tasneem

I can remember running to my room getting on my knees and looking up to the sky saying in Spanish my prayer, “please God help me & my family make my Dad stop drinking and protect my mom,” I was eleven years old. That would be my last prayer till I was seventeen. I was born in Georgetown, Washington. I am Hispanic American. My father is Nicaraguan and my mother is from Puerto Rico. I was raised in the Catholic Church but my father looked into many other religions. For two years, he turned us into Buddhists against our own will. I have a younger brother and sister. We all lived in fear of my father mostly because he was an alcoholic who used to beat all of us including my mother until I was thirteen. Ironically, anyone would assume the woman in a situation so harmful would pack her bags and bolt to the door. Instead he left us. I wouldn't see or hear from him again till I was fifteen. Pregnant with my first child by then, I had no God. How could God let me down? I never did anything wrong! I was angry, disappointed. I thought God loved me, but he left me when I needed him the most. The lesson begins…
My freshman year of high school I met a Palestinian girl who became my best friend. I hung out at her house a lot. I got to see how close her family was. They are mostly a traditional Muslim family. The mother didn't cover nor did my friend, but they prayed. Her parents didn't approve of me for several reasons. One, I wasn't Muslim. I was also a pregnant teenager and they had the fear that I would corrupt their only daughter. My friend stayed with me even when I had my baby. She was the one that said the adan in my daughter's ear. I wanted my daughter to be like her: good, kind and modest. I was amazed that a Muslim family living in America still had morals. I wanted my child to have a good life. With the disappearance of my father, my mom worked really hard to support us so she was never around and we got into a lot of trouble. I started drinking and smoking, inevitably using drugs. I partied all night. I couldn’t even get up to take care of my daughter. My reputation was trashed. I still regret everything. I had no life, jumping from one relationship to another (Allah forgive me). I fell deeper into dunya (world) thinking that money, a car some stylish clothes would make me happier. Instead of living a life, I was living in a three-minute music video. Then came the nights when I would ask myself "how did I get here?" I kept telling myself that I didn't want Josaline going through this. How am I going to raise my little girl? All alone one night I cried, begging God to forgive me, asking him, "Please help me!" I knew deep in my heart I was wrong. Now the search begins…
I was invited to my best friends house to watch a movie "The book of signs". I became very curious about the Qur’an. This book knew things way before modern times like the stages of pregnancy. How Allah made the cow and mixed between the blood and the urine is milk that is beneficial. WOW! Not to mention the Qur’an was written a little over fourteen hundred years ago. I asked if I could go to the Sunday class for converts at the Mosque. I was told I would have to cover out of respect for the Mosque, but I chose not to. I went a couple times each time getting more scared. What would my family say? Becoming Muslim meant not drinking, no clubbing, nor eating pork. Hey! That's all we Puerto Ricans eat. I'm eighteen, a single mom who hadn't even read the Qur’an. What am I going to say? I watched a thirty-minute movie and became Muslim. That's exactly what I did. I took my shahadah five months before my nineteenth birthday in April of 1996. I felt so relieved like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I swear the clouds that day looked like cotton, and the sky never looked so blue…"I'm Muslim!" It took me a while to actually leave everything. I felt like a hypocrite. Eventually, another Muslim friend would teach me part of my prayer. Of course, the first year I struggled with myself, but also the persecution of others. I had a Muslim friend tell me not to be an extremist or I would ruin it for the rest of them. Unbelievable I think not. That was the least of my worries. My main concern was who is going to marry me? I don't wear hijab (headscarf) and I have a three-year-old daughter. No practicing Muslim man would want me. At least that's what I thought…
In April of 1997, a couple months after my brother took shahadah, we had this group of mutual friends of guys & girls in jahiliya (before Islam) majority of the group became Muslim. I had dated one of the guys when I was sixteen. We broke up but remained on and off for two years. He accepted Islam a year after I did. I couldn't believe it! He had a friend that I knew who also became Muslim, my brother had happened to work with his friend. One day my little brother came home to tell me someone is interested in marrying me. I thought it was my ex, but it was his best friend. I really wanted to marry my ex so I declined his offer, but told my brother my true intentions. The phone rang. My brother picked up and it was him calling to ask if I was interested in his friend. To make a long story short, I politely said no and we talked until dawn. Our talks would increase over a period of two weeks until our wedding day June 14, 1997. I met him at fifteen and married at nineteen. We have three kids together and have been married for three in a half years. He was Christian, I was catholic and Allah brought us together as Muslims. Which takes me back to the little girl in the beginning. She was too young to understand fate and that everything happens for a reason. While she blamed the Most Merciful above all creation. She never knew how much He really loved her. Right now, for the first time in my life, everything makes so much sense. I'll never leave again (In sha Allah) now just help me return the favor. (In sha Allah) May Allah forgive us and have mercy on us for what we do knowingly and unknowingly. Ameen!

http://by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=MSG1097156820.26&start=61951&len=18099&msgread=1&imgsafe=y&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3

موضوع آخر

How I Came to Al-Islam
By Omar Edmond

My Journey to Islam began when I was fifteen years of age. I was very much into rap music and many of the rap artists such as KRS-1, Public Enemy, Gangstarr, X-clan and others were trying to reawaken a sort of cultural revival and positivity within the black community. Some of these rap artists, because of being exposed to certain movements (such as the 5% nation which was started by Clarence 13X and the Nation of Islam started by Elijah Muhammad), would often use Islamic terms such as Allah, Quran, Muhammad, etc. In particular, I had began to grow fond of a group by the name of the X-Clan, who had pictured many black revolutionists on their album including Malcolm X.
This was my first time hearing the name Malcolm X and as for the rap group, the X-Clan, I thought I was one of them. I used to dress as they did and I started to read numerous books on black leaders. I began to promote talk about these great leaders though my knowledge of them was very limited. Until one day a brother of one of my close friends who was at that time a college student challenged me as to my knowledge of Malcolm X to which I failed. He advised me to read Malcolm X’s autobiography. Therefore, I started to read Malcolm X’s autobiography. I did not even finish the whole book before I knew I wanted to be what I thought was a Muslim. I reflected very deeply on how the Nation of Islam were putting words into action being independent of the mainstream society. Bringing a true since of religious values back into the home. They had set up programs, which rehabilitated black men and women within the black community from drug addiction, which systematically destroyed the black families. My only dilemma was that there was no one to teach me anything about Islam.
Eventually, I met some guys from the 5% nation one of which told me that the first step to being a Muslim was being a 5% Muslim. So I became a 5% Muslim which in reality was a 100% Kafir and we studied lessons, drank alcohol, and smoked marijuana, while at the same time trying to memorize TODAY’S MATHEMATICS.
There was one guy that did not drink and did not smoke. In addition to that, he used to meditate. This brother lived in a neighboring city, which was close to a Masjid, and he met another brother who explained what True Islam was and he became Muslim. Immediately after he became Muslim, he called me to the truth of Islam and I responded with the testimony of faith (KALIMAT-SHAHADA). In it, one bears witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except the One true God (Allah) and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
http://by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=MSG1097157026.7&start=80050&len=14507&msgread=1&imgsafe=y&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3

موضوع آخر

My Journey to Islam By Umm Umar

I was born in a small town in the Northern part of Indiana in 1959 to a Puerto Rican, Catholic family. The second of four children, I questioned and rebelled against everything at an early age. Contrary to my siblings, I always asked questions and demanded answers to why things happened and how the world existed.
Having been raised Catholic, I was of course baptized and confirmed. However, at the age of seven while attending Sunday school, the instructor during his lesson wrote the word "God" on the board, and proceeded to comment, "God is dog spelled backwards". I thought this to be an unusual reference, associating "God" to dog.
By the time I reached the age of fifteen, I realized there was more to the universe than what the Catholic Church was teaching. I would see people going against the Ten Commandments, and then confess their "sins" to a man expecting absolution for their sins. They would remain "holier than thou" until the Sunday service was over then revert to their old ways week after week.
I stopped going to church and began my search for the truth. I attended the Jehovah’s Witness Church and the Baptist Church but found no peace. I was searching for a peace that would penetrate deep within my soul, but was unable to find it.
Although an honor student, I did get into a lot of trouble by running around with the wrong crowd. As a result I became pregnant at the age of eighteen and my parents sent me to live with relatives in New York. My relatives lived on the 18th floor of a sky riser and one evening as the sun began to set, I felt a magic and power in the air. I looked out the window and viewed with awe the horizon, with its vibrant colors, the clouds and the sun setting. At that moment I said to myself, "I know there is something more out there, but what is it? If God is so great then why is mankind not bowing to Him?" I prostrated myself to God and prayed I would find the "thing" that would fill the void in my heart and soul.
Not until two years passed did I encounter Muslim women in their full Islamic dress. I would watch them from afar with curiosity, thinking to myself what were they all about. I would sit outside at lunchtime in front of the building where I worked every day so that I could see them. Little did I know I would one day be amongst them.
I had returned to the Catholic Church wanting a better life and to marry a "religious" man. I was engaged to one of the leaders of the church only to find out he was having an affair with a married woman. As a result I once again became alienated from the Catholic religion.
Six months later, I met and married a Muslim. I still did not know anything about Islam. Although, at the time, he himself was not practicing Islam, he demanded I become Muslim before we were to be married. I accepted, after all I had nothing to lose, I wasn't practicing any religion. Looking back, I can see this was the door I needed to be opened in order to discover Islam. For the first time in years I had access to books and literature, to Muslim scholars and fellow Muslim sisters, who helped me in my quest.
Once I began having the understanding of Islam, I sat back and said to myself, "So this is what I've been searching for all these years." That was the day I truly embraced Islam and let it enter into my heart. When my aunt found out I wanted to embrace Islam, she sought the advise of Catholic missionaries, who in turn told her not to worry and not try to stop me if I wanted to enter into Islam, informing her that it is a beautiful religion."
I did not receive encouragement from my now ex-husband. In spite of his opposition, I went ahead with full force into understanding Islam and made it my way of life.
It took years of searching to fill the void in my soul and Al Hamdulillah, with Allah's (SWT) guidance I entered into the brotherhood of Islam. I thank Allah (SWT) for the hard knocks I received at an early age while searching for the truth. Had it not been for these experiences, Allah only knows where I would be today. Al Hamdulillah, with Allah's guidance, I was able to raise my daughter as a good Muslimah and give her the gift of Islam.
May Allah bless and guide others in search of the truth, as He has blessed me.
http://by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=MSG1097157036.82&start=94557&len=15948&msgread=1&imgsafe=y&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3

موضوع آخر

How I became a Muslim
Monica from Ecuador/USA
I was born in a Catholic family in Ecuador. My family was never very religious. I mean, they didn't go to church or things like that, except for my grandma whom I loved very much. However, they sent me to a Catholic high school. There, I learned about the religion and I also learned about the spiritual side of life.
Years later, I had the opportunity to go to a college in the U.S. Over there, there were a good number of muslims studying. I didn't know anything at all about Islam at first. Sometimes I saw them performing prayers. I had never seen a prayer like that. I thought it was very peaceful, and they seemed to have so much faith while doing it.

This is the first thing that attracted me to Islam. Actually, it wasn't until I was about to come back home, when I was finishing school, that I decided to learn more about this religion. I always liked to learn about other beliefs and cultures. But this was time that I especially felt unsatisfied about Catholicism. Then, I tried to contact some people at the masjid. Finally, they led me to a sister who was teaching classes for converts at the mosque.

I started attending these classes, and after a few months I decided that Islam was the religion for me. Islam, in contrast to Catholicism, seemed very pure. I mean, like it had very little influence from people. It seemed perfect. It was hard to find anything I could disagree with. Its hard for me to express the difference I felt between these two religions...I also feel that with Islam I'm sort of more guided, either by the Quran or the hadiths. Whereas, when I was Catholic, it was kind of like I had to figure out what to do in certain situation. People might think that Islam is strict, but I think thats the way its meant to be. I mean, I feel in this way God tells us very clearly what he expects. And you don't have to just wonder in the world looking for the truth, or the real happiness, or things like that.

Islam hasn't been easy, I have to admit. For those coming from other religions, and for muslims too, I'd like to say that its very important to respect others, and to learn to listen to them. One of the problems with Islam has been that muslims have been so closed to other people, that they can't get to know us or the religion.

I also think that muslims should be more open to converts, and more respectful to them. I myself felt sometimes rejected by both groups, the muslims and my old catholic friends. I've met other converts, and often they seem like they have more faith than a muslim-born person. So, I think they deserve some credit for that. It's very unfair to treat them as if they were not real muslims.

Well, thats about it. I hope Im not missing anything. Of course there are many things Id like to say. But its getting too long

http://by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=MSG1105635937.35&start=153159&len=14832&msgread=1&imgsafe=y&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3&curmbox=F000000001&a=10f59ce6e808d7467746089cad59ead75b7d5dfc8db00c1e 37446b84499b46f3

لو أردت التعرف على المزيد من النماذج ادخل على هذا الجروب وغيره

شريف المنشاوى
08-14-2006, 10:13 PM
جزاك الله خيرا اخى سيف ، و لو كان ممكن تصحيح الروابط اكن لك من الشاكرين

شريف المنشاوى
08-15-2006, 09:14 AM
لو أردت التعرف على المزيد من النماذج ادخل على هذا الجروب وغيره
جزاك الله خيرا اخى سيف ، و لو كان ممكن تصحيح الروابط اكن لك من الشاكرين

08-17-2006, 09:10 AM
هذه قصة بريطانيو غريبة جدا لكنها حقيقية وبصوتها تقص قصة اسلامها وإسلام اختها وامها وأخيها


شريف المنشاوى
08-17-2006, 12:02 PM
رائع يا ردود
أخى اريد منك رابط تحميل البالتوك ( عربى ) الاصدار الاحدث ، و كذلك وصلات هذه الغرف الطيبة
و جزاك الله خيرا

الحمد لله
08-17-2006, 02:19 PM
أنا أشك وبشدة في هذه القصة .......

خصوصا أنها من نوع القصص التي تروج لها مواقع وشباب سعوديون ، حيث يروجون على الإنترنت لمثل هذه النوعية من القصص (الكاذبة) . على الرغم من أن هدفم سامي وهو إعلاء مكانة الإسلام ولكن ليس بهذه الطريقة يتم الترويج للإسلام.

وأقصد بنفس هذه النوعية أي أن شخصا أجنبيا سلم نفسه بكل بساطة للإسلام دونما دخول في التفاصيل والبحث المنطقي الموسع لدراسة الدين وما يدعوا اليه ومنهجه بشكل جامع يجعلك تدخل في دين أنت تفهمه ..

تذكرني هذه القصة بقصة (سخيفة) تقول أن شابا - سعوديا - يعيش في أميركا ، يكرة الإختلاط بالبنات - وفقا لدين الإسلام - وحين وجد إستغراب الفتيات من تصرفة وبدأن يسألنه عن لماذا يفعل هكذا ، فأشار إليهم بالحجاب وصيانة المرأة ... إلخ .. فجأة في اليوم التاي وجد جسما أسود×أسود .. غعندما تسائل الجميع وجدوا أنها أحد الفتيات اللاتي تحدث اليهن ذلك الشاب السعودي عن الإسلام.

طبعا هذه القصة تحوي على الكثير من الأخطاء المنطقية التي لا يقبلها العقل الساذج .... لا سيما أن المسلمات في أميركا يرتدين ما يسمى الخمار الذي يلتف حول الرأس ولونه عادي ولا يوجد مره واحدة أسود × أسود ولكل الجسم..

ما علينا .. المهم أن لا نروج لمثل هذه القصص ، لأن ليس فيها سوى تقليل من شأن الإسلام .

اتفق معك في كلامك فلا يجب نشر هذه النوعية من القصص بدون التأكد منها
و هناك منتديات اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية لا يكاد يمر اسبوع الا و يعلن احدهم اعتناقه للاسلام و الحمد لله

لكن يا عزيزي لقد تسرعت باتهام السعوديين فليس كل من يقوم بتأليف هذه القصص سعوديين
و اتذكر قصة مضحكة عن فتاة في مصر في حفل زواجها .. فبعد ان مرت عدة ساعات في تزيين العروس اكتشفت انها لم تصلي .. فأصرت ان تتوضأ و تصلي و بالتالي تفسد كل المكياج .. و ذلك رغز الحاح اهلها و بكائهم .. و بعد ان اتمت الصلاة نظرت الى اهلها مبتسمة و ماتت :sm_smile: