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الموضوع: :-)

  1. #181
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi Ibn Alsunnah

    Well, maybe my words can sound aggressive when I am upset, but I am not an aggressive person. In fact I am a very peaceful person, but I become upset when I hear what people can do to each other for some "higher purpose". I was actually thinking, should I mention the thing about cutting off hands, cause there was a risk it would steer away the debate from the main part of my message, about misbehavior that I saw in Strangers way of debate. However I took the risk because I realized that he refuses to see what he did wrong and you certainly did not help him, by "understanding him", and not understand me. It is up to you guys. 0
    I will always be against cruelties that people do to each other. When you say you are all hurt by this, I did not understand if you are hurt cause I mentioned it, or because this happens in Islam? If it is the later case, than I completely sympathize with you and agree , with you. If it is the first case, than I have to ask you. Am I wrong? Is this not written in Sharia? If I am bad informed, than I would feel ashamed for saying this and even ask for apologize. If I am correctly informed (by my friend Abdellah, who wanted me to join this forum) than anyone who supports this should be ashamed. And I repeat the question: "Is this a way to help a brother"? 0
    Finally I don't think this is so far from our initial debate. I would like to move it forward and show that Quran can impossibly be written by any kind of a god, but by a human with all human weaknesses, like Sharia shows. So far we spoke for 12 sides about "logic" and did not come very far. It is time to go further. 0

    Best regards from Charlie

  2. #182
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    I will always be against cruelties that people do to each other. When you say you are all hurt by this, I did not understand if you are hurt cause I mentioned it, or because this happens in Islam? If it is the later case, than I completely sympathize with you and agree , with you. If it is the first case, than I have to ask you. Am I wrong? Is this not written in Sharia? If I am bad informed, than I would feel ashamed for saying this and even ask for apologize. If I am correctly informed (by my friend Abdellah, who wanted me to join this forum) than anyone who supports this should be ashamed. And I repeat the question: "Is this a way to help a brother"? 0
    It is the first case. Yes you are wrong because you accuse islam for being cruel. Your friend Abdalah told you that it is mentioned in the sharia and yes it is. But you may not be aware of how these punishments apply and what are the conditions that are applied before doing any punishment.
    This is a way to help the community from Criminals. Please Charlie, "Cruel " "justice" and things like that are very vague. Can you define for me these terms
    If you say it is cruel to cut hands, I will tell you not it is just, It is cruel to steal someone's wealth. And again you cannot apply these rules except if their conditions are satisfied, so if there is hunger, poverty or you cannot prove stealing by 100% then the punishment will not be done
    So if someone just doesn't care of the punishment and was proven 100% to be guilty then the punishment will be applied if not then it will be suspended

    Let me ask you do you want to our discussion about existence of God or no
    because if you don't want to continue we can close this discussion and start another one about whatever you like

    Thank you
    هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْـزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آيَاتٌ مُحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ وَأُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغٌ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ابْتِغَاءَ الْفِتْنَةِ وَابْتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِهِ وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلا اللَّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِهِ كُلٌّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رَبِّنَا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلا أُولُو الأَلْبَابِ

  3. #183
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi Ibrahim

    Welcome to this forum. I will gladely look for new ways to tackle the problem. However after 12 sides of playing with words I would prefer any other sort of evidences. I don't want to disrespect your try, but looking for evidences for god this way is not a good way I feel. What Ibn Alsunnah can prove in best case is that there must be some explanation for the missing link in his chain. Nothing else. This link could be a god, but could also be any kind of abnormal behavior of universe due to the extreme conditions that universe obviously was in at the time for BB.#I will develope it more in the messages with IA, butI mention this cause I have a feeling you are at the same way. 0
    Straight to your questions. First I feel we are playing a new word gamethat will not lead us anywhere and I feel there is no meaning for me to reply them and let you continue. I guess you would insist anyway, so I will try, but everything depends on what meaning you give to these words. ok..let's go: o
    Nothingness is the opposite of being as a whole
    Nothingness sounds to me more like the opposite of everything. 0
    Nothingness does not exist
    It is a typical way of playing with words. If we say there is nothingness in the box, than it is a word that describes the situation in the box and the empty box does exist. 0
    Any statement that implies the existence of nothingness is necessarily false
    I just gave you the example above. It is all about what meaning we give to the word. Nothingness can also be a completely abstract word, explained by number 0 (zero) in mathematics. To say that this is false is not true. So the statement should be false, because it talks about "any statement" 0
    To say being as a whole is limited in extension and in duration implies the existence of nothingness- Therefore being as a whole is unlimited
    Honestly I am not understand this statement. Maybe it is my poor English that does it, or your english. Could you put it in some other way? If my trousers are whole, without any holes, does it mean they are unlimited, or they are not whole? You see we play with words... or maybe I missunderstood this latest statement. 0
    Is the world equal to being as a whole ie is it the only being? 0
    This one I also did not understand. Are we talking about world as the planet earth, or the whole universe? However it all depends on where we put the limit of what is universe. This is a question for the cosmology and there are so far just theories about is there only one universe, or more than that.... You maybe know. 0

    Best regards from Charlie

  4. #184
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hello "Thank you" 0

    If it is Ibn Alsunnah talking, than I would love to continue the debate. If it is Stranger talking, than I think we have finished. I prefer to talk to people who are showing respect to my opinion, regardless if they agree or not and who have the strength to admit they did a mistake, when doing so. So who is "Thank you"? 0


  5. #185
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Dear Charlie,
    Sorry that I didn't sign in the last message
    It is me Ibn Alsunnah
    please lets be on track again
    I believe I was the last one to talk about our topic , so please go back and have a look to what I said previously
    Lets try to relax in our discussion and hope at the end that we will understand each other more.
    هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْـزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آيَاتٌ مُحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ وَأُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغٌ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ابْتِغَاءَ الْفِتْنَةِ وَابْتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِهِ وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلا اللَّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِهِ كُلٌّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رَبِّنَا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلا أُولُو الأَلْبَابِ

  6. #186
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi again Ibn Alsunnah

    I am trying to have a relaxed conversation. It is not always easy. I refuse to let people treat me personally in a bad way. It would have been easier if you helped your brother to see what he did wrong. If he manipulates my word, no matter, if he did it by purpose, or by mistake, it is just to admit that and correct it as a man. No more problems. Instead he continues with "enjoying" the debate, when he just heard he made me upset with a good reason. Up to him. I also prefer to #go on with our debate. 0

    It is obvious that our worlds are very far from each other. I have a completely different view at how a good world should look like. Cutting off hands can never be accepted in my mind. Who should judge after all? You say it is "accepted" to steal if there is poverty. Not literally that way, but something like that. If I steal to give food for a child who is starving, than it sounds like I would be forgiven. If I am very poor, than maybe I would be forgiven stealing for myself too. But what if I am a little bit poor... Where goes the limit? Who should judge there? We talk about destroying a human life. How would this make a world better? You get a person who will probably not get a job and will be depending on begging for money or food or to steal again. Killing people to make a better world has been practiced throughout the whole history, with no good result anywhere. Do you know that countries with dead penalties also has the biggest crimes like homocides, in the whole world. US, is a good example. I don't have the numbers here, but I am sure you can easily find them on Internet. Compare for #example US, with Norway, or any of European countries without death penalties. In my opinion, if killing is not accepted as a method of solving problems, than the state should not kill either, but show good example
    of how to solve problems. 0
    My friend also told me that by stoning someone to death, you ensure he will end up in , paradise. I will ask you this. If you for any reason would get in a situation to be stoned (I really hope no one will ever be in that situation, but IF), than would you gladly accept it cause it should be a way to paradise, or would you ask for mercy? Would you accept to get your hand cut off, if promised a place in paradise? 0

    Please don't look at this a not important. It is very important, and since I was following your way of debate for 12 looong pages, than it is not more than fair to let me steer the conversation a bit too. I understand you feel uncomfortable about this, but this is the reality. No other religion that I know is talking about such cruelties. What is cruel and what is not cruel is maybe relative, but this should go far behind any limit of cruelty. How can you deny that? Be objective about that. 0

    Yes, Ibn Alsunnah, I want to continue our discussion about god.. I am doing it right now. We are talking about a book that you claim is written by god. I claim it is not and that many things in it shows it is much more likely it is written by a human. Much more likely! 0

    Please answer me at this question. I asked it already before: 0
    Is Quran talking about evolution or about creation, without evolution? 0

    Best regards from Charlie

  7. #187
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة
    مقالات المدونة


    I'm not sure whether you are aware or are acting like you're not aware of it, but you have already disrespected us so many times. It is an absolute basic understanding that when you talk with people that believe in God, you talk with respect to their God as well even if you disagree with their views or don't believe in their God. You have to understand that any kind of mocking is not acceptable and greatly offends every single Muslim in this forum. You refused to apologize for it too when both Ibn Alsunnah and I have made it clear to you that you are disrespecting us the way you speak. You have also made man incorrect comments about our intentions

    I am actually not here to find God. I am 100% sure he does not exist. Why I am here is to find out how it is possible that people still believe in gods in 21st century.
    No, sorry it's not possible for people to be that stupid although 97% of people still believe. What a nice introduction.
    Suggested alternative: I would like to understand your perspective as I'm not convinced that there is God.
    How did he create the world out of nothing? That is impossible. You admit that by yourself and therfore you invent some guy with super powers that can do anything!? Don't you see this is a tale for small kids?
    No we don't see that. or are you saying that everyone who believes in God has a mind equivilant to a kid's mind?.
    Suggested alternative: Can you explain to me how you think he created the world out of nothing? because I can't understand it
    sometimes I wonder in what kind of school did you go guys, when you talk like that
    Yes only stupid people that go to no school talk like that right
    suggested alternative: sorry but I think I disagree with what you're saying.
    Is it true that some versus starts with "There is no God..."? It should have stopped there. That would differ it from other religious books and make it very interesting for people of that time who almost all believed in one God or another, because they did not know better
    Are you trying to mock at Quran or look funny? Extremly offending
    suggested alternative: just don't make the entire statement.

    You think there is a God deciding about who will be born and who not? What a huge job to decide about everyone of the billions and billions of insects. Is he sitting there thinking for each case,... shall this bug have babies? Ok... I let him get them today... How many.. I give him 256.... "Next one please". Very fun
    NO NOT FUN!! Most disrespectful and offending remark in your entire conversations.
    suggested alternative: What's your perspective on how God manages who will be born or not?

    You say God decides of who will be born. Does he do that only for humans, or even for every microbe and every insect? What a huge job... Maybe it is not so strange he does not have time to make a world better if he is doing that all days long :-P
    Don't show me smily faces right after making fun of my God. extremly offending
    suggested alternative: How can God in your perspective handle so many things in the world?

    Just a short answer, because I am on the way to sleep
    What is wrong with your logic about god
    Suggested alternative: I disagree with your logic.

    I read my previous message again, because you find it agressive and sarcastic. I wanted to see... did I really write like that. But I can't see it that way. Maybe you feel my arguments quite convincing and true and therefore you feel i am aggressive
    no that's not why, so don't assume anything about intentions again. It's because it was truly agressive and sarcastic and you should have apologized for it. Or do you have a problem taking responsibility for your own actions?

    Please don't presume things about me and than use that to show me like I am someone who is not thinking with logic. That is not very fair and it just makes the debate long and meaningless. Please read my messages and try to understand what am I talking about
    so you don't like that ha? Learn not to do it to others!

    But for a single force that needs to be created by itself and create complete world with millions of species + everything else, that is EXTREMELY IMPOSSIBLE. We haven't seen anyone do that and we will never see it either. It simply does not make sense if you are honest to yourself
    Don't make assuptions on our intentions because we always to try to give benefit of the doubt.
    suggested alternative: it does not make sense to me. I see this to be impossible.

    Yes, Ibn Alsunnah, I learn a lot here and it confirms my suspecting that I had from the start. Some people believe in god simply because they want and because it is very hard to stand against something that all the society you live in is saying
    Again don't make assumptions on our intentions.

    I have no upperlook (as you said). Maybe I feel upperlook when talking about evolution against creation, but this is because I feel so sure about what I talk. As human being, or in any other way, I don't feel that upperlook, but I respect you as all other people. Without the respect, there is no way to have a good conversation.
    precisely, without respect, there is no way to have a good conversation. That's why I was not able to even start a conversation with you.

    Is someone being scared I know more than him about the topic and I might show that I am right? I don't think that is very fair. Makes me doubt in intentions about this site
    Everyone here knows that we limit conversations to organize them. if you don't want to believe that because you want to ,then we can't help it.

    Next thing: If you really mean that you don't want to live if life has no higher meaning, than I don't want to debate with you anymore
    By the way, I assure you that every muslim here truely don't want to live if life has no higher meaning. Does that assure you something else that you have suspected from the begining?

    Hope it's clear now. let's see if you will apologize or have problems taking responsibility for your actions!
    "العبد يسير إلى اللـه بين مطالعة المنة ومشاهدة التقصير!" ابن القيم
    "عندما يمشي المرؤ على خطى الأنبياء في العفاف, يرى من نفسه القوة والعزة والكبرياء. بينما يعلم المتلوث بدنس الفحش الضعف من نفسه والضعة والتساقط أمام الشهوات"

  8. #188
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi Stranger

    Although I gave up writing to you because of the reasons you know, I will still reply you here, because it could solve some problems. I will not even try to explain the words you mention above cause there would be to drown it in a long message. I will take other comments in another message. Here, I just wanna say this: I am truly sorry if I hurt anyones feelings. That is not the intention of my messages, although it sometimes can look that way at first view. Hope you guys accept my apologize so that we can stay chat friends and to learn about each others way of thinking. Hopefully we will come closer to the truth about the world. 0

    Best regards from Charlie#

  9. #189
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة
    مقالات المدونة


    Charlie, your apology is accepted, and we are in turn sorry if we hurt your feelings as it is not the intention of our comments either. With mutual respect we can certainly proceed but any comments like the one's above will certainly be a problem for all of us.
    Furthermore, don't simply state statements about intentions because they are simply most of the time wrong and won't help the conversation. You obviously don't like me to simply say: "you're an atheist because you don't want to be told by someone what to do or what not to do". If that was my personal view, then I'll keep it to myself since it doesn't help the debate and can only hurt your feelings.
    You need to truly understand that we don't just believe in God... end of story. God to us is more important than ourselves, our families, our lives, and that's why you read some comments about how we consider this life not worthy of anything without the meaning of God.
    Don't tell me if you think this is being close minded, because we truely think the same for people like you. To us, God's existance is even out of the question like you're trying to deny something I "see" and "touch". If that's not the case for you unfortunately, then realize that you should not make any mocking comments about God... at least not here.
    Also as you discuss with us, don't assume that we're dying to convince you of God. Yes we should deliver the message and would like you to accept it so you have a happy life, but you need to understand that we already have convictions just like you do. You obviously think you are right, but so do we. So when we talk to each other, we don't talk as if I'm the only person who's correct in the world and everyone else is wrong. That's simply the definition of arrogance.
    We can respect each other and exchange our views of the world. You are here not to show us how stupid we are, but to explore how we think, just like we would like to see how you think.
    Just like you're sure there is no God, we are sure there is God. Just like you might personally think we have a problem in the way we think, we also think you have a problem in the way you think.
    From all your comments, I read, it seems to me that you are too self-centered (again personal view that I wouldn't state in a debate in case it offends you)>
    FYI, these expectations I have mentioned are not my personal expectations, they're the expectations for everyone in this forum including atheists that come and discuss with us. We did have atheists that made comments like the ones you did before, we simply blocked their account. They're arab so we had a better understanding of how they think and what they mean by their comments. We already have given you the benefit of the doubt with your first few comments, and it was the main reason why I jumped in to the discussion. If you read my very first post you will see that I was trying to say: stop giving us opinionated comments (that already hurts our feelings and offends us), and let's talk debate and logic.
    Anyways, now you know the rules I hope, and any additional disrespect will not be tolerated.
    With this in mind, if you would like me to be part of this debate, I will be glad to. If not, you can simply state that, and I will pull out of it, while you can simply continue with the rest of the brothers.
    "العبد يسير إلى اللـه بين مطالعة المنة ومشاهدة التقصير!" ابن القيم
    "عندما يمشي المرؤ على خطى الأنبياء في العفاف, يرى من نفسه القوة والعزة والكبرياء. بينما يعلم المتلوث بدنس الفحش الضعف من نفسه والضعة والتساقط أمام الشهوات"

  10. #190
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi again guys

    After I was charged of being disrespectful and arrogant etc, I feel a need to explain why I am here and how I am debating. 0

    I did not look up this site. A chat friend from Skype who I talk to, wanted me to do it. Actually he pushed me for months before I took the step to actually do it. Why? Because I want to make religious people angry? No, but because I was pushed and he wanted me to become a Muslim. Actually this was his intention from the first time he did contact me on Skype. I don't have problems with religions as long as people respect other peoples believes, but don't force me to believe in what is unbelievable for me. It is quite insulting actually. If I try to convince you about non-existence of god, it is because I took the challenge and I fight back with the same goal as you guys have. You want to convince me... i want to convince you. You believe in yours, I believe in mine. Or even more. I am convinced in mine (just as you are probably convinced in yours). 0

    Let me say more about this. I travel quite a lot. Been to most of countries of Europe and some countries in Asia. I often meet people who are believers, from different religions. In Thailand people can say "We believe in this".. with a shy smile, knowing it maybe sounds funny to me. I smile back and we are friends. It would not even cross my mind to try to convince them#about something else. In fact I like many things in Buddhist religion. I don't believe in it, but I like it. It is making people better, I think. 0
    I remember once I was in Malaysia (mainly a Muslim country), and sitting beside an older Malaysian gentleman. We were talking and we even did touch the religion. I remember the train passed some beautiful mosque, and I said something like "very beautiful". He did agree and was probably glad I did notice the beautifulness of the building that symbolizes something important in his life. I don't remember the whole conversation, but he was the one talking more than me and he said something like: "Religion is something you keep in your heart and it is not important in what you believe, as long as your faith is clear and your heart is clean". This is not a literal citate, but the message was something like that. It would never even cross my mind to try to convince him that there is no god. I enjoyed the conversation. He respects me (he probably thought I was a Christian) and what I believe. He probably even understood that the best way to convince people is to not push. If I would be more curious and open for Islam, I would ask him anyway. 0

    Actually I like different cultures and I easily get friends when traveling. It is nice to travel and meet other cultures. Imagine how boring it would be if there were only Christians in this world, or only Buddhists, or only Hindu, or only Muslims, or whatever.... 0

    So far I have only been pushed by Muslim people to make me get religious, by pushing on the chat (My friend Abdellah was not the first to try it). I wonder why? Maybe your religion says it is your duty, but for the rest of us it is both tiering and often quite respectles. I never look up for people on internet and try to make them become Atheists. That is not my task. If they are happy with it, so let them believe. But when people push me, than I fight back. That is how I ended up here. I did not come here to become a#Muslim, but really to understand why religion still exists. I do try to joke about wholly things sometimes, but as I said it is to show there is no reason to be scared. Just like you would not be scared to joke about Darwin. You will also notice that even if my comments can make people upset,i never lie. #I point at things that are logic to me and things in the religions that are not logic. I love to do that. However often those comments hurt the most., just because the opponent feels I hit the right place. I never try to manipulate other peoples comments. That would just degrade my own arguments and that is not what I need. 0
    But back to my way of debating. For the first, I might sound disrespectful in some statements, but that is because I want to point at things that really sound funny to me. If I put a smiley, after making a joke about god, that is because I wanna show there is no reason to be scared of god. He does not exist. I could say worse things to my friend Abdellah before and joke about both God and Muhammad, for the same reason. I even asked for apologize sometimes, cause he was obviously offended. I pushed too far. Sometimes religious people make jokes about Darwin, comparing him with a monkey. To you that maybe sounds funny, but to me it is a disrespect, not only to him, but to me and everyone who knows evolution works, including the science. But I seldom feel offended by such things. I joke back. It is for me just a sign of how little they know. I am not saying I got that comment here (maybe I did, maybe not)... really don't remember, but I heard it more than once on chat. 0

    Ok, I better stop here. Easy for me to write... some poor guys will need to read it all...hehehe :-P Hope you understand me a bit better now . 0

    Cheers guys and best regards from Charlie

  11. #191
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة
    مقالات المدونة


    So Charlie,
    You're saying you're here because your fiend pushed you to be here. With my respect to your friend Abdellah, this is wrong. "pushing" is wrong. "caring" is right. I think he really cared about you so he insisted to ask you to come here.
    Our religion prevents forcing itself upon others. It's clearly stated in the Quran if you care to know. In our religion, we are told to deliver the message. It's also clearly stated that our job is to deliver, and not to necessarily convince.
    You're making the comparison that Darwin to you is like God to us. Darwin might clearly be important to you, but I assure you that he's not as important to you as God is to us. We live for God, we "breath" God all the time. I know you wouldn't give away your life for Darwin (let me know if I'm wrong), we do for God. So I personally think it's different, however in either case I disagree to mock at neither one. If someone made a funny comment about Darwin that offended you, then we're sorry for it. simply joking about God to us is not acceptable as we have utmost respect to him. So even it it sounded funny to you, please keep it to yourself!
    It's good that you travel often and get exposed to different people. You obvioulsy have yet to experience people that think like we do. .
    the reason for being here does not mean you were not disrespctful. If you were charged of it and disagree to it, don't apologize. If you apologized and we accepted your apology, don't bring it up again.
    again let me know if you would like me to be part of this debate. If not I will leave the brothers to continue their conversations. If so, we'll get started.
    "العبد يسير إلى اللـه بين مطالعة المنة ومشاهدة التقصير!" ابن القيم
    "عندما يمشي المرؤ على خطى الأنبياء في العفاف, يرى من نفسه القوة والعزة والكبرياء. بينما يعلم المتلوث بدنس الفحش الضعف من نفسه والضعة والتساقط أمام الشهوات"

  12. #192


    Hi Charlie

    Thank you for your comments

    Going back to the first statement

    1- Nothingness is the opposite of being as a whole.

    Here is a clarification on the term Nothingness as you requested to prove to you that I am not plying with words and hopping that you do the same.

    Nothingness: is the absence of all beings. Nothingness is not the absence of all beings in empty space. Because empty space, is somethingness. Nothingness is the absence of what we call space. So nothingness is dimensionlessness

    So if there is an atom, then nothingness cannot exist, because nothingness means no atom. Remember somethingness excludes nothingness, the two cannot exist side by side, it is either one or the other. The definition of a each is the absence of the other i.e. The absence of somethingness is nothingness, and the absence of nothingness is the somethingness. So the lack of existence of nothingness is therefore a necessity.(quote)

    And here is also a clarification on the term being as a whole:

    Being and sub-beings Man wants to know Reality. Reality consists of all/everything that exists and not necessarily confined to the empirical world. However, since we are part of the universe, we are led to think of galaxies, stars, planets, mountains, ourselves etc,. as existing and therefore we mistakenly treat them as beings, when in fact these are not beings, but they are constituent parts of a being, namely the universe. All these and the like, precisely speaking, are sub-beings and not beings. Once this distinction is borne in mind then we only need to focus on beings because sub-beings would be implicitly included in the discussion. Failure to keep this distinction inevitably leads to treating all that exists as sub-beings i.e., the universe is the only being. Lots of the confusions resulted from the lack of the distinction between, beings and sub-beings. If the world/universe were the only being then it would be equal to Reality but if God exists besides the universe then Reality would consist of the two together. .(quote)

    Our goal is to know Reality in its broad sense. We need to have a conception and not a misconception of Reality .

    2- Nothingness does not exist

    It is the first analytical statement that is known a priori

    (non-being is necessarily mental and impossibly real ) is a necessity

    The truth and the falsity of statements depend on the relation between its subject and its predicate. Since Reality is one there should be only two types of relations: necessary and impossible. If the predicate of the statement is implied in the meaning of its subject then the relation would be one of necessity otherwise it would be one of impossibility

    You said in your reply :

    What Ibn Alsunnah can prove in best case is that there must be some explanation for the missing link in his chain. Nothing else. This link could be a god, but could also be any kind of abnormal behavior of universe due to the extreme conditions that universe obviously was in at the time for BB.

    In my opinion what is wrong in the discussion is that:

    when the inquiry is about existence, beginning with a concept entails an inconsistency i.e., claim of knowledge the nature of what may not exist! Beginning the inquiry with the concept ‘God’ prematurely implies awareness of all the attached information about a being [such as Creator, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Perfect] the existence of which is yet to be determined!

    Questions such as “does God exist?”, therefore, are very far fetching. Unless we know that God exists we should not have the concept in the mind nor the label in our terminology. The right beginning is to seek to determine whether a being other than the universe exists or not? In other words, is the universe the only being or is there, at least, another being besides the universe?

    With respect to God’s existence, there are two types of arguments: religious and philosophical. Essentially speaking, there is no difference between the two. What lies behind both types is one and the same logic: seeking to establish the existence of a being (God) as a deduction from the nature of another being (the universe). This is true of both theism and atheism. Atheists seek to establish the non-existence of God as a deduction from the nature of the universe. The existence or the non-existence of ‘A’ cannot be possibly known by reference to the nature of ‘B’.

    Any reference to other than the entity under scrutiny means that the answer is missing the point. The mention of ‘B’ when the question is about ‘A’ can never decide the matter. It yields belief only; it cannot lead to knowledge. When the question is about ‘A’ the answer should refer to nothing but ‘A’. the reference to other than ‘A’ means attempting to reach a conclusion supported by evidence when this cannot be conclusive because of the possibility of counter evidence. In order to decide a matter conclusively, there is a need for a proof.

    We, therefore, begin the journey asking whether the universe is the only being or is there, at least, another being besides the universe? If there exists, at least, another being besides the universe we should not presume that it must be a universe. There may exist a being or more that are not universes similarly there may exist other universes. All these possibilities have to be taken into consideration/account and, at this stage, none should be dismissed from the inquiry.

    The five statements now should be read in the context of the above explanation

    1- Nothingness is the opposite of being as a whole.

    2- Nothingness does not exist (a priori)

    3- Any statement that implies the existence of nothingness is necessarily false

    4- To say being as a whole (Being ) is limited in extension and in duration implies the existence of nothingness

    5- Therefore , being as a whole is un limited

    Is the world/universe/s equal to being as a whole i.e. is it the only being?

    To follow… if the above understood

    Best Regards from Ibrahim

  13. #193
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi Stranger

    I am a bit confused about you. When you wrote the first message in this forum, to me..... the first part of it sounded very good.... I though it will be a pleasure to debate with you. But than came those comments that made me upset. Stranger, I did not ask for apologize about anyone hurting my feelings here. No one did that as far as I remember. I was asking for an apologize because my comments were presented as if I said things I did not say. That made me upset. And it was personal to you, so no need to say "we apologize". No one else did it. I called it manipulation of my words, you may call it mistake, or whatever, but all I got was comments like me misunderstanding you, although it was impossible to not see that I was right there. The messages are still there. Think I will give up asking for apologize. You apologized for something you did not need to apologize for, but to let the conversation go on, I accept it. But why are you continuing#in same message threatening me that you hope I "understood the rules and any disrespect will not be tolerated". It does not look good in a message where you are supposed to ask me for apologize. It makes the apologize look poor. Never mind. I just wanna say this: If you feel I don't fit here, just tell me and I will leave. No need to ban me from the site. I was asked to join the forum and that is why I am here. If you guys ask me to leave it, I will do that too... 0
    I will continue in next message with your previous message (before the apologize message), because I have some interesting points of view at that, but maybe not today... It is getting late. 0

    Best regards from Charlie

  14. #194
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة
    مقالات المدونة


    To be realistic, I think it's not a good idea for me to be part of this conversation anymore. It's really unfortunate for me. There is no threaning or anything like that, just trying to build common grounds based on mutual respect; that's all we're looking for, but I seem not to be the right person.
    I'm not going to comment on any of your comments.
    Enjoy the rest of your stay.
    "العبد يسير إلى اللـه بين مطالعة المنة ومشاهدة التقصير!" ابن القيم
    "عندما يمشي المرؤ على خطى الأنبياء في العفاف, يرى من نفسه القوة والعزة والكبرياء. بينما يعلم المتلوث بدنس الفحش الضعف من نفسه والضعة والتساقط أمام الشهوات"

  15. #195
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010
    المذهب أو العقيدة


    Hi Stranger, 0

    Pity you think like that. I thought we are on the slow way to find anagreement in a way to chat and I was about to reply some of the questions you asked in a former message, but did not catch the time. I will say something I said to Ibn Alsunnah before. I am too tired now to write and I will go to sleep. This is not a way to disrespect you or him, as you said before. It is the opposite. I am really sleepy. Would it be better to not say that and just ignore the message? Check at the time that message to Ibn Alsunnah was written. I wanted to inform him that he should not wait for the reply by late night, but the next day instead. That is a sign of respect, not disrespect. But maybe you are right, we sometimes talk from diffrent point of view in diffrent cultures and therfore misunderstand each other. This is probably such a case. Talk to you tomorrow, if you are in the mood. 0

    Best regards from Charlie

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